Disclaimer & Acknowledgements
Copyright The Fleurieu Kitchen 2018 - All content, recipes and photographs created by me, are copyrighted to me, Melanie Amos, and my website ‘The Fleurieu Kitchen’. No thievery please - it’s not cool.
The Fleurieu Kitchen is a personal blog and business website authored, edited and photographed entirely by me, Melanie Amos.
All content, recipes and photographs created by me, are copyrighted to me, Melanie Amos, and my website ‘The Fleurieu Kitchen’.
All photographs on this blog are the work of me and are copywrited to ‘The Fleurieu Kitchen’ unless explicitly and clearly stated otherwise with due author credit given to each relevant image.
All images are posted and used in accordance with the law and any offence caused is unintentional.
Under no circumstances are you permitted to republish any photographs, content or recipes in part or whole without my express written authority and due author credit given to Melanie Amos and The Fleurieu Kitchen.
Please contact me directly if you would like to request republishing rights at email: info@thefleurieukitchen.com.au